Saving Hallowed Ground in Schuykill Haven!

This weekend, Saving Hallowed Ground held multiple events in the Borough of Schuykill Haven, PA. In cooperation with the Frontier Girls Troop #351, Saving Hallowed Ground held a Monument Education and Preservation Clinic at two war memorials in the Borough, and also held a flag folding ceremony at nearby Island Park. Despite the frigid temperatures, the Frontier Girls and other local community members came out to help preserve and share local history!

The day began at two of Schuykill Haven's War Memorials, where a small group of Frontier Girls from Troop #351 took part in our Monument Education and Preservation Program. Despite the cold, the girls learned about the process of restoring and preserving bronze plaques and actively participated in restoring an important piece of their town's unique local history.
After the monument preservation clinic finished up, the Troop moved across town to Island Park, where they joined up with other Frontier Girls members, Frontier Girls CEO and Founder Kerry Cordy, first responders, and other community members to participate in Saving Hallowed Ground's "Follow The Flag" Program. Through this program, Saving Hallowed Ground has brought our 20' x 30' American flag to dozens of communities around the country, and it has been handled by more than 1,500 individuals. The Schuykill Haven event, organized by Schuykill Haven Frontier Girls founder Ellen Smith, featured educational discussion of the flag's history and importance, activities with historical re-enactors, and closed with a flag folding ceremony directed by Saving Hallowed Ground.

Schuykill Haven also has plans to plant a World War One Memorial Tree through Saving Hallowed Ground's Memorial Tree Program, but the planting was delayed because of the weather. In all, the day was a great success, and serves as a wonderful example of how community participants can come together to engage with and preserve local history.